Saturday 1 April 2017

Blog 4 - My Experience of the Degree


My Experience of the Degree

To decide whether to study the degree I used the Force Field Analysis created by Lewin (1940) this helped me weigh up the benefits and difficulties of the decision to complete the degree (appendix 2).

My aspirations of the degree were that it would help me develop a deeper level of understanding of children's learning and development but it has also helped with my knowledge of working well with other practitioners and agencies. I am more confident in leading and managing a team and understand how to lead an innovative change.

I now have extended my understanding of child development, professionalism and working with others and I will continue to develop my understanding through training and observation of good practice.

When I complete the foundation degree it will put my pay scale on the grade above in my current employment. Having a foundation degree will support my professional development if I choose to progress in my career such as if I decided I would like to complete teacher training.

I have completed an action plan that I currently following that supports my aspirations of achieved career progression (appendix 1) these include progressing into a different pathway from being a learning support assistant as I am applying for a nurture support assistant job.

I have enjoyed learning from my research whilst studying for the degree and completing the degree has supported my ability to support children and their families in my role as a learning support assistant.


Mind Tools (2017) Force Field Analysis. London: Mind Tools Ltd. [Online]. Available from: [Accessed 24 April 2017].

The University of Kent (2017) Action Planning. Kent: The University of Kent. [Online]. Available from: [Accessed 01 April 2017].


Appendix 1:


The Benefits



Next Step

To have applied for a different pathway of nurture support assistant.

Applying for a different pathway will give me more child development experience in another field.

To complete the job application and study about nurture in regards to child development and supporting vulnerable children.

To complete my job application by April 2017. If shortlisted interviews are in May 2017.

To develop my skills in the nurture pathway.

To become a nurture support leader in the future.

To complete my degree.

When I complete my degree my pay scale for my job will rise.

I will have an advantage when applying for new jobs and in progressing as I would now have a degree.

To complete all tasks to the best of my ability and studying all the resources available for each topic.

To complete all work on their deadlines with last piece of work due in July 2017.

To progress further in my career for example in completing a teaching qualification or applying for higher education employment.

Appendix 2:

Blog 3 - Ongoing Professional Learning and Practice

Blog  3 - Ongoing Professional Learning and Practice

The Early Years Sector is continually progressing and developing therefore to maintain a beneficial understanding of how to support children, their families and other professionals it is crucial to attend training and conferences. It is also important to have continued professional development as it is required by professional bodies and will provide knowledge of the most recent initiatives relating to childcare legislation (PACEY, 2016).

In my setting I identify my training needs and have a discussion every term with my supervisor who will provide the appropriate training to continue my professional development (appendix 1a) and I also was observed by my mentor to support me developing as a practitioner for example by setting a target (appendix 1b).

To maintain best practice I initiated an innovative change in my setting, I identified the need for particular children to be reading more than once a week at school to improve their literacy skills and created data by observing how many reading levels they progressed in a term (appendix 2). This change linked from my understanding of the schools OFSTED report that now the setting is meeting the national average in ability in the English subject and that as my school has an above average amount of EAL children literacy skills need to be continually supported (appendix 5).

I want to progress in my career so I have developed SMART Targets to show how I will manage my progression including a personal target and one set by my current employer (appendix 3).

As a professional I always strive to support areas of the setting that need improvement and from our team meetings I learnt that practitioners were concerned about the children's speech and language in the nursery after the settings hours extended.

I discussed this with my manager and we decided to create and compile the results from a questionnaire (appendix 4). The results showed that 100% of practitioners felt they would benefit from training to support children in their communication and language development and that they had already used Makaton before in a setting from these results I provided staff with further Makaton training to use in the setting and this initiative proved beneficial in supporting the children's language development in the setting.

My personal statement shows my consistant development throughout my experience as a practitioner and my commitment to continuing my professional development (appendix 6).


Cognology (2017) How to write SMART goals and objectives. Melbourne: Cognology. [Online]. Available from:,5274635704991744:1,5293578322706432:2,5300356598988800:0,571853
1257925632:0,6495360247922688:1,6750875905425408:1&utm_referrer= [Accessed 1 April 2017].

Ofsted (2016) St Mary’s, Prittlewell, CofE Primary School. Manchester: Ofsted. [Online]. Available from: [Accessed 24 April 2017].

Professional Association for Childcare and Early Years (2016) Why your training and development is important. Kent: PACEY. [Online]. Available from: [Accessed 30 March 2017].

The Makaton Charity (2017) How do I learn Makaton? London: The Makaton Charity. [Online]. Available from: [Accessed 1 April 2017].


Appendix 1a:

Name of course
Organising body
Brief description of course content

Level  5 Diploma in Leadership for the Children and Young People’s Workforce

City & Guilds

Level 5 Diploma in Leadership for the Children and Young People’s Workforce


Female Genital Mutilation: Recognising and Preventing FGM V2

Home Office

Recognising the signs of FGM and how to prevent this by reporting to the relevant safeguarding officer

ELKLAN Training

Attended ELKLAN Training on how to support children with speech and language


Paediatric First Aid Qualification

Primary Lifeline

Paediatric First Aid


Level 2 Award in Food Safety and Catering


Level 2 Award in Food Safety and Catering


Autism Awareness Training


Attended an Autism Awareness course on how to recognise signs of Autism and how to support these children in settings


Early Years Literacy Conference

Early Years Literacy Conference

Conference on how to support children with their literacy development


Level 3 Beach School Qualification


Qualified to lead and manage Beach School sessions with children


Safeguarding Level 1 & 2


Safeguarding Level 1 & 2


Appendix 1b:

Appendix 2:

Reflecting on an innovative change

Appendix 3:

SMART Targets:





Time bound

Personal Target:

To complete my BA Honours in Early
Childhood Studies

To complete my assignments I will use one day of my weekend to study and complete tasks.

I will watch the online resources supplied by my university to gain further knowledge of the topic for that semester.

I will have work complete a week before the task is due so I can ensure it will upload and I can proof read my work.

When I am studying I will gain further knowledge of Early Years or interpersonal skills that will help me in continuing my professional development.

My degree course is for one year and I will have completed this by the Autumn term of 2017.

Supervisor Target Set:

To have a child with an ILP in my class to have progressed one reading level

To read with this child more than once a week.

I will read with this child twice a week and if possible more than this.

To have attended a reading course to support children with their reading and comprehension skills.

My support with this child will progress their reading, literacy skills and holistic development in the class.

In June 2017 this child will have developed their reading skills and if able to have tried the next reading level in the Oxford Reading Tree.

Appendix 4:


Are you aware of what Makaton was before this questionnaire?

Yes – 100%
No – 0%
Have you ever used Makaton before in a setting?
Yes – 100%
No – 0%
If YES how often were you using this?
N/A – 0%
Sometimes – 66.6%
Often - 33.4%
If YES how many signs do you know?
N/A – 0%
1-5 – 66.6%
6-10 – 33.4%
10+ - 0%
Would you personally like further training to support children in the setting in their communication and language development?

N/A – 0%
YES – 100%
No – 0%
Do you feel that parents/carers of children in the setting would benefit from support in helping their child with communication and language development?

N/A – 0%
Yes – 100%
No – 0%

Appendix 5:

Monday 20 March 2017

Blog 2 - Professional Identity

Blog 2 - Professional Identity

This is my second video blog on Professional Identity in Early Years.

To understand further about my professional identity I completed the Gardner Intelligence Assessment (appendix 1) the result of this was that I was predominantly intrapersonal meaning that I am self aware and believe in self reflection and discovery, I agree with this as I enjoy solving problems that may arise in the setting by reflecting on past situations I have experienced.

My professional identity has been largely influenced by my experience of being the senior of the baby room in a day nursery setting, this experience taught me about how to be an effective leader and manage a team this was from the development of skills such as developing opportunities for experience based learning (appendix 2) this involved using my teams strengths to benefit the setting and their own personal development as a practitioner. I used reflective practices such as Gibb's Reflective Cycle 1998 (appendix 3) and completed a reflection on an activity I planned in the setting, this supported me in how I lead a team and manage their skills (appendix 4).

I have used theorists to extend my practice for example I attended training by Neil Griffiths that helped me learn to engage children into a passion for literacy. I have shown that I support children and their families appropriately and have gained the Employee of the Month at the nursery by being voted for by parents and carers (appendix 5).


BBC News (2016) Toddlers 'need early years teachers in nurseries'. London: BBC. [Online]. Available from: [Accessed 19 March 2017].

Business Balls (2017) howard gardner's multiple intelligences. Leicester: Business Balls. [Online]. Available from: [Accessed 24 April 2017].

Corner to Learn (2015) About Neil. United Kingdom: Corner to Learn. [Online]. Available from: [Accessed 24 April 2017].

EAP Foundation (2013) The learning cycle. Cambridge: EAP Foundation. [Online]. Available from: [Accessed 19 March 2017].

Gardner, H. & Hatch, T. Multiple intelligences go to school: Educational implications of

the theory of multiple intelligences. Educational Researcher.
Griffin, L. (2015) Ofsted and British values. 15 September 2015. Optimus Education, [Blog]. Available from: [Accessed 19 March 2017].

HM Government (2015) Working together to safeguard children. London: Department for Education. [Online]. Available from: [Accessed 19 March 2017].

National College for Teaching & Leadership (2013) Teachers' Standards (Early Years). London: Department for Education. [Online]. Available from: [Accessed 19 March 2017].

Training In Practice (2017) Statutory And Professional Requirements. London: Training In Practice. [Online]. Available from: [Accessed 19 March 2017].

UNCRC Let's Get It Right (2015) A summary of The United Nations Convention On The Rights of the Child. Wales: Children's Rights Wales. [Online]. Available from: [Accessed: 19 March 2017].


Appendix 1:

Appendix 2:

Appendix 3:

Appendix 4:

Sunday 19 March 2017

Blog 1 - Professionalism in Early Years Practice

Blog 1 - Professionalism in Early Years Practice

This is my first video blog on Professionalism in Early Years Practice.

Professionalism means the competence or skill expected of a professional in their field. In the early years sector this would mean working competently with the government legislation of the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework (EYFS) and the Early Years Teachers' Standards (EYTS). I have demonstrated that I can plan, achieve and reflect on the EYFS and EYTS by leading focus activities and the daily routine of the setting (appendix 1).


BBC News (2016) Toddlers 'need early years teachers in nurseries'. London: BBC. [Online]. Available from: [Accessed 19 March 2017].

EAP Foundation (2013) The learning cycle. Cambridge: EAP Foundation. [Online]. Available from: [Accessed 19 March 2017].

Foundation Years (2017) Statutory framework for the early years foundation stage. London: Department for Education. [Online]. Available from: [Accessed 24 April 2017].

Griffin, L. (2015) Ofsted and British values. 15 September 2015. Optimus Education, [Blog]. Available from: [Accessed 19 March 2017].

Government (2013) Teachers’ Standards (Early Years). London: Crown. [Online]. Available from: [Accessed 14 April 2017].

HM Government (2015) Working together to safeguard children. London: Department for Education. [Online]. Available from: [Accessed 19 March 2017].

Miller, L. and Cable, C. (2008) Professionalism in the Early Years. Oxon: Hodder Education.

National College for Teaching & Leadership (2013) Teachers' Standards (Early Years). London: Department for Education. [Online]. Available from: [Accessed 19 March 2017].

Training In Practice (2017) Statutory And Professional Requirements. London: Training In Practice. [Online]. Available from: [Accessed 19 March 2017].

UNCRC Let's Get It Right (2015) A summary of The United Nations Convention On The Rights of the Child. Wales: Children's Rights Wales. [Online]. Available from: [Accessed: 19 March 2017].


Appendix 1:

Reflecting on a focus activity using the EYFS and EYTS